Thursday, February 9, 2017

Word Count Wednesday 2/8

Word Count Wednesday Thursday

I'm going to be honest, I totally forgot to do this last night because I went to bed extremely early.

What am I working on?
Mostly my short story that is due for the House project. But I have started a poem and look forward to getting some work done on a story that is unrelated to class work.

Total Word Count?
Still not counting my words, but I have one poem started and about three and a half pages of a story written up. I do have a goal of finishing up my short story and the poem. I am also aiming to knock out the map experiment sometime soon, I have a clear idea of what I want to write.

How do I feel about the process?
I’m excited to be writing again! I have been having some trouble getting anything down on paper but I think I have gotten past my mental block (at least for now).

What am I reading now?
Still reading class related material and my boring textbook. Hopefully I will be receiving content from my fellow Glowdark members to read, which I am looking forward to! Everyone had such great ideas for what they were working on. I also have a personal friend who should be sending me some chapters from her book soon to preview!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are connecting with your fellow writers.
