Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Word Count Wednesday 3/8

Word Count Wednesday

I forgot. Again.

What am I working on?

Working on getting caught up on experiments! I have really great ideas I would love to share with everyone but I still need to actually sit down and put pen to paper.

Total Word Count?

I haaaaave…like three different documents I'm working on, does that count?

How do I feel about the process?

Doing okay, I would like to be working on more but as usual I had a lot of projects due around the same time and I get focused on one thing and forget the rest.

What am I reading now?

Reading both books for classes, also brushing up on fairy tales from around the world for an art project.


  1. Cool.

    Any unusual fairy tales to reccommend?

  2. I've actually learned about a lot of fairy tales I never knew existed before. Right now my favorites are "The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship" and "The Goose Girl" I'm not sure where they came from. I found one of them on a blog list of stories that deserve an updating retelling and the other a classmate told me about.
